Sprinter 313 CDI Van

Welcome home - The Sprinter has always aimed to see new standards in the van sector. And because this aim has remained the same, a whole host of changes have been made to the Sprinter.

The interior of the Sprinter is not what you'd expect in a van. Functionality, yes, but at the same time there's a luxury feel to it too. If you didn't know better, you would think you were sitting in a car. The compact, joystick-style gearshift is integrated in the all-new instrument panel - making through-access to the co-driver's seat and the rear even easier. New standards in comfort and convenience are also set by the optional Sprintshift transmission which does not require clutch operation, even for manual gear changes. The whole interior of the Sprinter is geared towards making the driver feel at ease in the workplace.

Sprinter on a move Sprinter exterior Sprinter interior Sprinter paintworks